Thursday, February 2, 2012

Miss Del Rey has arrived

Lana Del Rey-one word- WOW she's captured alot of hearts very quickly, including UK Vogue who she has recently landed a cover with for their March edition. For those of you who are familiar with her name will know she has popped out of nowhere and now popping up all over the place, dispite all of the disgusting backlash she has recieved of late - fake lips (seriously its 2012 who cares if she has! They look amazing on her) recreating (or "revamping" as I like to say) herself because her first atempt to break into the music industry was a flop (once again she did the right thing) I like to call the press haters, why are we trying to degrade this woman? When the words Lana Del Rey come about I think, amazing voice -check, stunning face-check, feature song for Dior couture show in Paris- check, womanly figure-check, Vogue cover-check. CHECK CHECK CHECK embrace this woman people she has hit us in a big way and will continue to do so YAY